A workplace knee or shoulder injury is a possibility in physically demanding positions, as well as in ordinary office jobs. Knee, shoulder, and other joint problems are more common in professionals who work in physically demanding employment. However, this does not rule out the possibility of other workers suffering from the same type of work-related injury. These injuries can be excruciatingly painful, limit your movement, and make it difficult to work. Physical treatment, prolonged rehabilitation, or even joint replacement surgery may be required for knee and shoulder injuries.
If you have suffered a knee or shoulder injury while on the job, you may qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. Our Iowa workers’ compensation attorneys at the law firm of Mueller, Schmidt, Mulholland & Cooling are well-versed in workers’ compensation laws and specific state laws in Iowa. Schedule a free consultation today to discuss your potential workers’ compensation claim or personal injury lawsuit.
Types of Knee Injuries at Work
The knee is the body’s largest (and possibly one of the most important) joints. You wouldn’t be able to walk, run, stand, sit, or lay down without a functioning knee. If you have a job-related knee injury, you may face severe pain and long-term medical issues. The following are the most prevalent types of knee injuries that occur in the workplace:
- ACL, MCL, or PCL tears
- Bursitis (swelling of the bursa sacs)
- Dislocations
- Fractures to the patella
- Meniscus tears
- Sprains and strains of muscles, tendons, or ligaments
- Tendonitis (swelling of tendons)
These knee problems are frequently caused by overuse or repetitive stress. You are more likely to get a knee injury on the job if you work at a construction site, as an auto mechanic, a carpenter, a cleaner or janitor, or in a career that requires you to kneel frequently or carry a lot of weight. Though, you can also hurt your knee in an office job through a slip and fall incident, tripping over carpet or an object, or other various workplace accidents.
Types of Shoulder Injuries at Work
A shoulder injury is a common work-related accident. Workers may sustain several different forms of shoulder injuries. Rotator cuff tears, labrum tears, joint dislocations, bursitis, peripheral nerve damage, locked shoulder, tendonitis, shoulder strain, or pinching are all frequent shoulder problems. Workers’ compensation benefits may be available if you have suffered an injury to the shoulder while on the job.
Lifting heavy objects, stress to the joint, moving objects, repetitive activity with the arms, and protecting oneself from a fall with the arms are all major causes of shoulder injuries at work. People who conduct rigorous or repetitive overhead work, such as a delivery person, nurse, home health aide, or construction worker, are more likely to suffer a shoulder injury. Even if you do not engage in strenuous employment, you can still sustain a shoulder injury.
Benefits for Shoulder and Knee Injuries
For those who experience work-related shoulder and/or knee injuries, workers’ compensation benefits can cover medical bills, related medical expenses, loss of income, and compensation for lasting impairment as a result of the injury. Workers’ compensation benefits cover injuries that occurred as a result of an accident, repetitive movements, or as a result of long-term trauma to the body.
There is no requirement for negligence in order to file a successful workers’ compensation claim, and there is no pain and suffering compensation available when you receive payments from a workers’ compensation insurer. Pain and suffering is an element only considered when pursuing personal injury lawsuits.
According to data from the National Safety Council, the average cost of a workplace knee injury worker’s compensation claim is $32,622.00 which includes medical bills and lost income. In workers’ compensation settlement negotiations, lasting impairment and medical expenses will be the primary focus when discussing workers’ compensation benefits.
Iowa Work Injury Laws
Iowa’s workers’ compensation system is governed by the Iowa Code, Iowa Administrative Code, Iowa court opinions, and the Iowa Workers’ Compensation Commissioner’s decisions and orders.
Workers’ compensation insurance is required by law in Iowa for firms with at least one employee.
Workers’ compensation insurance in Iowa provides benefits to your employees to assist them in recovering from a work-related injury or sickness. Consider the following scenario: you operate a grocery shop in Des Moines. One of your employees falls and injures their shoulder while stocking the shelves. Workers’ compensation insurance may be able to help cover their medical bills as a result of the injury.
If you don’t have coverage, you may have to pay for an employee’s work-related accident or illness out of pocket. Employees who are sick or injured may file a lawsuit against your company if you are not properly insured
Employees have 90 days to report an accident or illness to their employer. Within four days, the employer or the insurance company must file an electronic “First Report of Injury or Illness” report. Once these steps are completed and your claim is properly filed and accepted, an employee can start to receive workers’ compensation benefits.
Contact the Iowa Workers’ Compensation Attorneys at Mueller, Schmidt, Mulholland & Cooling
If you or a loved one has suffered a workplace injury and it has affected your knee or shoulder, reach out to an experienced workers’ compensation attorney who can help you file a claim. The Des Moines workers’ compensation attorneys at Mueller, Schmidt, Mulholland & Cooling have been handling workers’ compensation claims for injured workers across Iowa.
Our attorneys can help you achieve a favorable result and get you the benefits you need to cover any medical bills and related medical expenses. To schedule a free initial consultation, we encourage you to fill out our contact form online . You can also reach our team by calling us at (515) 444-4000 The Des Moines workers’ compensation attorneys and personal injury lawyers at MSMC are standing by to help you achieve the results you deserve.