Understanding Iowa’s Dog Bite Laws After an Attack

Recent vicious dog attacks in Iowa have highlighted concerning trends, as the state grapples with liability laws, bans on pit bulls, and preventing further brutality from man's best friend turned worst enemy. Comparing Key Points Dog bite statistics Liability laws Breed-specific laws Other key points National - 4.5 million dog bites per year -- Over 800,000 require medical care -…

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Why You Need to Report a Work Injury Quickly

When injuries are reported quickly, the business has the opportunity to provide options for effective care in a timely manner. Failure to follow the reporting process may result in a person missing out on early treatment and may be a violation of business policies and procedures. Workers must familiarize themselves with the company's incident reporting protocol and report all work-related…

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Proving Repetitive Motion Injuries to Receive Workers’ Compensation

Engaging in work activities that require repeated use of some part of the body can result in overuse and eventually injury. Although repetitive motion injuries are not usually immediate and are established over a period of time, they can still be legitimate work-related injuries that trigger workers’ compensation benefits. However, convincing Iowa’s Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) that benefits should…

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What Are Pain and Suffering Damages After a Spinal Cord Injury?

There are a plethora of different types of injuries that happen to everyday citizens on a regular basis. Although unfortunate, the reality of modern living means that with the luxury of cars, futuristic technology, a wide range of career options, and more, comes inherent risks. This extends to one of the most extreme and dangerous types of injuries out there…

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